Research from IAM RoadSmart has found an increasing number of drivers are ignoring red-X signs on smart motorways. Since 2021, more than 53,000 motorists have been caught ignoring the sign, which is used to close lanes when an obstruction is detected or to allow emergency services to reach incidents.

On the topic, Rod Dennis, the RAC road safety spokesperson, has said “The safety of any driver who is unlucky enough to stop on a smart motorway depends entirely on other people seeing the red-X sign and moving to another lane. It’s therefore terrifying to think that so many people have either ignored them or failed to spot them in the first place.”

Between 2021-2023, the greatest number of red-X offences were observed by the Surrey Police, with 11,360 drivers caught ignoring the sign along the M3, M23 and M25. During the same period, 9,957 motorists were caught by the Thames Valley Police and a further 6,120 by the Greater Manchester Police for the same offence.

Smart motorway schemes have been developed to reduce congestion by utilising the hard shoulder as a running lane. However, with roadside signs proving more difficult to see and growing public dissatisfaction – IAM RoadSmart research revealed 89% of drivers wanted to see the hard shoulder reinstated – concerns are growing.

Dennis said, “…we’ve called on the new Government to convert all-lane running stretches of smart motorway to either controlled motorways – with hard shoulders permanently restored – or to dynamic hard shoulder schemes, where a hard shoulder is in place for much of the day and night, and only opened to traffic at the busiest times of day.”

Since 2016, nine red-X awareness campaigns have been launched to enhance road safety. With the formation of a new government, Meera Naran, a road safety campaigner stated:

“We know that no new all-lane running smart motorways will be built but it does beg the question of what we do with the existing stretches that are in operation. This is something the new Government needs to give some serious thought to.”

Drivers passing under red-X signs can face severe penalties. Motorists detected by enforcement cameras can incur fines of up to £100 and receive 3 points on their licenses. In more serious cases, additional penalties and court appearances are also possible.